b, halfmoon Sphere Crystal - Small

Color: Clear Quartz




refined shape

natural stones

Sphere crystals are connected to unity, completeness, and wholeness.

Our small sphere crystals emit subtle yet equal energy in all directions, which enhance feelings of harmony, balance, and flow.

Rose Quartz is connected to your heart and emotional healing. This pink-hued stone enhances the attraction to love and relationships. Find openness to love others and love yourself.

Amethyst promotes balance and calm. This purple-hued stone clears stress and negativity so you can connect deeper to your spirituality, intuition, and higher self. T

iger’s Eye builds confidence and courage. Diminish feelings of self-doubt, worry, and anxiety – this golden brown stone enhances your power and gives you confidence in working towards your goals.

Green Aventurine is a stone of opportunity. This green-hued quartz mineral amplifies wealth, abundance, and prosperity. Release old patterns, habits, and stress to make room for new optimism and confidence.

Lapis Lazuli is a deep celestial blue stone that promotes wisdom and confidence in communication. Embrace a higher mind as knowledge, truth, and memory are amplified.

Clear Quartz neutralizes and balances your physical, emotional, and spiritual planes. This colourless crystal amplifies the crystals that surround it and enhances mental clarity, alertness, and spiritual connectivity.

Tourmaline can take on many colours, each with unique properties tapping into different areas of the self. Said to balance the flow of yin and yang energies this stone is one of inspiration and self-confidence.

Smokey Quartz neutralizes negativity and enhances positivity. Lift away anxiety and stress as this greyish brown stone facilitates grounding, calm, and centering of the body and mind.

Selenite enhances your flow state. Clearing blockages, this colourless mineral enhances the fluidity and high vibration of energy – this lifting your spirit and allowing you to connect with a higher sense of self.