2021 Capita Equalizer By Jess Kimura



Inspired by Jess Kimura's progression from the streets to the backcountry, The Equalizer was born to level the playing field on the mountain and offer riders a high-end all-mountain option designed specifically for women. These boards feature a custom-designed hybrid camber profile, which allows for incredible control—making you a better snowboarder in variable terrain and changing conditions. Upgraded for 2020, the ride and response have been enhanced by an all-new FSC® Certified P2 Superlight Core™, Technora™ + Flax Boosters have been retained in the construction to provide longitudinal power while achieving a desirable flex for all-mountain terrain. Also featuring a Quantum Drive™ high-speed sintered base, The Equalizer is one of the most technically advanced women's freeride boards available.